Thursday, September 22, 2011

Papadavigi coming in October!

Quick update, and last one before the reviews are posted. I plan to begin the first week in October, probably every Friday I will post a new review. There will be my review(written), my own video review, and pictures of the figure and its screen counterpart. Concluding each review will be a conclusion paragraph with my final thoughts, and the figure will be given a number out of 10, 10 being the highest, and of course 1 being the lowest.
Since it is October I will begin with the Castlevania Figures, followed by a Halloween Special on Halloween if I have the free time.

So hope you all join me in two weeks, Papadavigi signing off!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NECA Figures

Hey everyone my name is Dave or as my friends call me Papadavigi! I have made this blog to show and review my NECA figure collection. For those who do not know what NECA is it is a company that produces highly detailed figures from movies, games and more. I have around 32 figures as off today, this number will rise when I acquire free time... and money. I am not sure if I will have photos or video but I'm leaning towards film. My collection includes figures from Castlevania, Terminator 2 Judgement Day, Alien, Aliens, AVPR, Predators, and Predator 2. So please check in soon videos or pics will be blasting on you screens in just a few weeks.

Till next time Papadavigi signing off!